In a devastating incident that highlights the grim reality of ongoing ethnic violence in Manipur, an ambulance carrying a family was tragically set ablaze...
In a commendable move to safeguard public health and mitigate food-borne risks, the Nagaland government has announced stringent actions against the sale of adulterated...
Guwahati, Meghalaya - In a recent development, Cabinet Minister Paul Lyngdoh announced the completion of the enquiry report investigating the 2021 rice scam in...
Guwahati, Assam - In a significant development, the Assam Education Minister, Ranoj Pegu, declared on Wednesday that students who were unable to pass the...
Guwahati, Assam: A recent firing incident in the Musalpur Division area of Manas National Park has resulted in injuries to two suspected poachers. The...