Clash Between two Communities, Police Vehicle set to Fire


On Sunday afternoon a clash between two communities took place in south Tripura. 17 got injured and hospitalized during the brawl, when an angry mob set fire to a police vehicle.

The incident occurred at Madhya Muslimpara Raiyabari, The brawl occurred between two groups if villagers over a land issue, both claiming their rights and evacuating those who were currently residing there in order to begin a government project there. The brawl took place under the Killa police station of Udaipur subdivision.

Inspector Rajkumar Jamatia, an officer in charge of the Killa police station, who rushed to the spot with additional enforcement, stated that the incident occurred again over some land issues where a government project is supposed to begin and with people from the Muslim community residing there. Further He added that police tried to be parties to bring peace, but, in the meantime, a police jeep at Killa police station was burned by unknown miscreants, but everything will be revealed during the investigation.

A section of victims belonging to the minority community alleged that the attackers belonging to the tribal jamiat section of people and were carrying sharp weapons. They came from the Killa area and, all of a sudden, without any reason, attacked them besides destroying their crops and plants. 

According to one of the eyewitnesses said that even women have not been spared and alleged that a minister had instigated the violence.

Further She added that the incident is related to land in which they have been living for more than a century and have related documents, but now the government wants to evacuate them from their houses for some project.

According to the OC, The police OC police had rushed to the spot, but as the attackers were in a large number, so the security personnel could not act against them.

Senior police officials with additional troops have rushed to spot and set up camp in the area, to control the brawl from extending.

Tribal Welfare Minister and MLA of the Kila area Rampada Jamatia, rushed to the hospital at Udaipur to meet with the victims from both parties. He alleged that CPIM and TIPRA Motha were behind the incident.

