India-Bangladesh Border Haats in Tripura to Reopen on May 9th


The border haats in Tripura, which lie along the India-Bangladesh border, are set to reopen on May 9 after remaining closed for over a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These haats are considered crucial for the livelihood of the people living in the border areas of both countries.

The decision to reopen the border haats was taken after discussions between the officials of both countries. The haats, which were established in 2010, allow the people living in the border areas to trade in local produce and goods without having to obtain visas or travel long distances. The reopening of the haats is expected to benefit farmers, small traders, and artisans who have been affected by the pandemic.

However, strict COVID-19 protocols will be enforced at the haats to ensure the safety of the traders and visitors. The officials have urged the traders and visitors to adhere to the guidelines issued by the government and health authorities.

The reopening of the border haats is expected to promote cross-border trade and strengthen the economic ties between India and Bangladesh. The officials hope that the haats will also help in reducing the smuggling of goods across the border.

The decision to reopen the haats has been welcomed by the people living in the border areas. They are hopeful that the haats will help in boosting their livelihoods, which have been affected by the pandemic.



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