Minister Sudhanshu Das Visited Hostels in Various parts of State


Department Minister Sudhanshu Das has directed to run all the hostels and student residences in the state properly. He has given a clear message that no negligence or corruption will be tolerated anywhere. Everyone should work in the interests of the students who live and study in the hostel.

The minister has started visiting hostels in different parts of the state to take stock of the overall situation. Minister Sudhanshu Das visited the SC Girls Hostel adjacent to Jagannath Bari in the capital on Monday. He visited the hostel along with the officials of the department,Talked to the students in the hostel. The minister inspected the kitchen and other arrangements in the hostel. During the visit, the minister noticed various problems in the hostel. Next time he faced the media and said that the main purpose of visiting the hostels is to resolve the infrastructural or educational defects quickly and to check whether the students are facing any problems internally. Because there are many families who are financially weak. Their children are sent to study in these hostels But the main aim of the department is that they can get established in life by coming to hostels and getting government facilities.



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