Nagaland: Round table of NE Global Investors Summit explores investment opportunities


In a bid to showcase the immense investment potential of Nagaland, the state government, in collaboration with the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), organized a successful two-day State Round Table in Dimapur as part of the North East Global Investors Summit 2023.

The event, which was attended by prominent investors, policymakers, and industry leaders, served as a platform to highlight the investment opportunities in Nagaland and foster strategic partnerships for the region’s economic development. With its rich cultural heritage and abundant resources, Nagaland has emerged as a promising investment destination in the North East.

The State Round Table commenced with an inaugural session, graced by key dignitaries including government officials, representatives from DoNER, and prominent industrialists. The event aimed to provide insights into the state’s economic potential, showcase its unique strengths, and address any concerns or queries from potential investors.

During the two-day event, participants engaged in fruitful discussions and deliberations on various sectors, emphasizing the key areas for investment in Nagaland. These sectors encompassed infrastructure development, tourism, agriculture, renewable energy, manufacturing, and information technology, among others.

The round table discussions revolved around identifying investment opportunities, assessing the business climate, analyzing government policies, and exploring potential incentives available for investors. Additionally, participants also focused on addressing challenges such as infrastructure improvement, skill development, and bureaucratic hurdles.

One of the key highlights of the event was the interaction between investors and local entrepreneurs. This provided a unique opportunity for investors to understand the ground reality and potential collaborations with existing businesses in Nagaland. Such interactions played a pivotal role in fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship and promoting local talent.

The State Round Table in Dimapur successfully generated considerable interest among investors, showcasing Nagaland’s investment-friendly environment and its potential for sustainable growth. The event culminated with the signing of several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements between investors and the state government, promising a bright future for the economic development of Nagaland.

The North East Global Investors Summit 2023, with its State Round Table in Dimapur, has undoubtedly opened up new avenues for investments in Nagaland. The collaborative efforts of the state government, DoNER, and stakeholders have set the stage for the realization of the region’s economic aspirations, propelling Nagaland towards a path of inclusive and sustainable growth.



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