In a significant incident that unfolded on Wednesday, a train transporting goods experienced a derailment in the town of Boko, situated in the Kamrup...
Guwahati, Assam - In a significant development, the Assam Education Minister, Ranoj Pegu, declared on Wednesday that students who were unable to pass the...
Guwahati, Assam: A recent firing incident in the Musalpur Division area of Manas National Park has resulted in injuries to two suspected poachers. The...
Guwahati: Nearly three weeks after the mysterious demise of Sub-Inspector Junmoni Rabha, a team of forensic science experts has been called in to support...
Guwahati: In a concerning incident, two police constables from the Tihu Police Station in Nalbari, Assam have been reserve closed following allegations of assaulting...