The Nadda rally – A Great Hazard To The Party Supporters


25 people were injured on their way to the J P Nadda rally in a scattered incident. 

Manik Saha, the chief minister of Tripura said that the police will be taking unsparing action against the people responsible for this entropy, disregarding their credentials. 

“No one will be spared,” says the CM. 

He visited the injured allies at GBP Hospital on Tuesday who was scathed on Monday in scattered events of the JP Nadda Rally at Khumulwang, headquarters of the Tripura ADC (Autonomous District Council) and asserted that the Police will react to it immediately. 

Nadda, visited Tripura for a couple of days and held successive meetings with party officials, from state-level to frontal wings, and joined a convocation at Khumulwng later in the day.

One of those people who were injured during the rally was relentlessly injured and diagnosed with head trauma and was rushed to the GBP Hospital at Agartala. 

CM Saha being a doctor himself ensured that the doctors were taking all necessary measures in order to cure and aid the victims. 

“It is shameful that such incidents of violence occurred when our national president J P Nadda was here in Tripura. We have seen such violence in the past. But this violence…we have asked the police to take stringent steps. No one will be spared,” Saha notified the media later.

The chief minister also said he had traveled to Guwhati with BJP chief Nadda on Monday and had instructed the functionaries and his party officials to take care of the casualties and on other steps that had to be taken in the repercussions of the violent incident. He returned back to Agartala on Tuesday morning and hurriedly made it to the hospital.

While BJP is yet to name anyone behind the attacks, the party’s state chief spokesperson Subrata Chakraborty had said that “those who claim to have absolute control in the hills of Tripura” were behind the incidents.

Chakraborty’s comments indirectly signaled at the royal scion Pradyot Kishore – led TIPRA Motha party, which is in power in the TTAADC since last year.

Motha chief – Pradyot Kishore Manikya Debbarma had earlier said he welcomed Nadda in ‘Greater Tipraland’ and would stand by to hear what the BJP leader had to tell tribals at the public assembly at Khumulwng. Debbarma, who adjures a substantial impact among the tribals of the state, had also pleaded with his party supporters to live in harmony.

The incidents of violence, which left men and women injured alike, were followed by comments from BJP leaders, who claimed the royal scion did not have ample jurisdiction over his party helpers. 
