Tripura Government Safely Evacuates Students from Manipur Amidst Crisis


In the midst of a crisis in Manipur, the Tripura government has safely evacuated students back to their homes. The move comes in response to the ongoing violence in the region, which has caused concern among parents and guardians of students studying in various educational institutions across Manipur.

The students, who hail from various parts of Tripura and were studying in colleges and universities in Manipur, were stranded in the state due to the violence that erupted following the alleged kidnapping of a student leader from Manipur University.

The Tripura government, in a joint effort with the Manipur government and the respective educational institutions, arranged for the safe evacuation of the students back to their homes. The evacuation was carried out in a phased manner, with the first batch of students leaving for Tripura on May 5, and the remaining students scheduled to leave on May 7.

The evacuation was carried out with utmost care and caution, ensuring that the students were not put in harm’s way. The students were transported in specially arranged buses, with police escorts accompanying them throughout the journey. The authorities had also made arrangements for food and water during the journey.

The parents of the students expressed relief at the safe return of their children, and thanked the Tripura government for its timely intervention in the matter. The students also expressed gratitude towards the authorities for ensuring their safe return home.

The crisis in Manipur began after a student leader from Manipur University, Ningombam Samarjit, was allegedly kidnapped by armed men on May 3. The incident sparked widespread protests across Manipur, with students and activists taking to the streets demanding his safe release.

The protests turned violent, with clashes between protesters and security forces leading to injuries and arrests. The situation remained tense, with the authorities imposing curfew in certain areas and suspending internet services in the state.

In response to the crisis, the Tripura government had issued an advisory to all students studying in Manipur, urging them to exercise caution and avoid travelling outside their respective campuses.

The safe evacuation of students by the Tripura government is a commendable effort, reflecting the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens, especially students who are away from their homes and families.

The joint effort by the Tripura and Manipur governments is a positive step towards maintaining peace and stability in the region. The crisis in Manipur is a reminder of the need for effective measures to address grievances and ensure the safety and security of all citizens.

As the students return home, it is important that steps are taken to address the underlying issues that led to the crisis in Manipur. The government must work towards resolving the grievances of the people and ensuring that incidents such as the alleged kidnapping of Ningombam Samarjit do not occur in the future.

The the safe evacuation of students by the Tripura government is a timely and much-needed intervention in the midst of the crisis in Manipur. The joint effort by the Tripura and Manipur governments is a positive step towards maintaining peace and stability in the region. As the students return home, it is important that the government takes steps to address the underlying issues that led to the crisis and ensure the safety and security of all citizens.



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