Tripura Police Seize Cannabis Worth Rs 50 Lakh in Major Crackdown


In a significant operation against illegal activities, the Tripura Police recently intercepted a truck carrying a substantial amount of cannabis in the Churaibari area, situated along the interstate border between Tripura and Assam. The successful operation, driven by a timely tip-off, led to the detention of a truck en route to Assam from Agartala.

The North Tripura District Superintendent of Police, Bhanupada Chakraborty, shed light on the details of the operation. “Today, based on a tip-off, we have detained a truck from the Churaibari area under the North district. After detaining the truck, we seized 250 kgs of cannabis neatly packed in 47 packets. The arrested individual, identified as Surajit Majumder, is both the driver and owner of the vehicle. The truck was en route from Agartala to Guwahati when it was apprehended. The estimated street value of the seized cannabis is approximately Rs 50 lakh,” explained Chakraborty.

The operation reflects the efficacy of intelligence gathering and the swift action taken by the Tripura Police to curb the menace of illegal substances trafficking. The interception of the truck, laden with a significant quantity of cannabis, highlights the continuous efforts of law enforcement agencies to maintain vigilance along interstate borders, preventing the illicit flow of narcotics.

The role of timely tip-offs cannot be overstated, as it proves to be a crucial element in the success of such operations. The information received by the police played a pivotal role in detaining the vehicle and preventing the illegal substance from reaching its intended destination.

Surajit Majumder, the driver and owner of the seized truck, now faces legal consequences for his involvement in the illicit transportation of cannabis. The seizure of approximately 250 kgs of cannabis, with an estimated street value of Rs 50 lakh, marks a significant blow to the illicit drug trade in the region.

The collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies, intelligence networks, and the commitment to tackling illegal activities contribute to creating a safer environment for residents. Such operations serve as a deterrent to those engaged in trafficking, sending a strong message that the authorities are resolute in their mission to combat the illegal drug trade.



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