Uday Reang, the People’s Champion: Sacrificing Seat for the Sake of TIPRASAs


Uday Reang, also known as YB, is one of the most active and hardworking warriors in the TIPRA community. With numerous record-breaking works and output for the poor TIPRASAs, he has made a significant impact on the lives of many. He has covered campaigns in 144 villages under Kanchanpur 60 constituency, showing his dedication to serving the people.

Recently, as the candidate for TIPRA Motha in all 42 constituencies, Uday has shown the true meaning of selflessness and love for his people. Despite being eligible to run for the Kanchanpur 60 constituency, he has sacrificed his seat for a senior leader, proving that serving the needy TIPRASAs is more important than personal gain or power.

Recently appointed as the Star Campaigner cum Observer for 58 Panisagar constituency, Uday has taken his duties seriously, following the advice and guidance of the TIPRA Chairman. His quick action and commitment to serving the TIPRASA community have earned him the title of “The People’s Champion”.

Uday Reang is a true example of what it means to serve others with love and dedication. His actions serve as a reminder that political power is not the only means to help those in need. The TIPRA community is lucky to have a champion like Uday Reang, who will continue to work tirelessly for the betterment of all TIPRASAs.



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