ASHA Workers to Escalate Protest for Honorarium Hike

Asha worker

ASHA Workers Amid Government’s Response

ASHA workers in Meghalaya, represented by the Meghalaya Accredited Social Health Activist Workers’ Union (MASHAWU), are set to escalate their protest efforts.

At a recent executive committee meeting in Mawlai Motsyiar following a peace rally, MASHAWU announced plans for a protest march and an indefinite sit-in demonstration at the state secretariat on November 27.

ASHA Workers

MASHAWU’s president, Marajune Myrsing, emphasized their unwavering commitment, stating, “We will not back down until the government addresses our demand for a fair honorarium.”

The primary demand of the ASHA workers is to increase their monthly honorarium from Rs 2,000 to Rs 5,000, arguing that the current amount is insufficient to cover their daily needs and support their families.

Their ten-day indefinite strike has significantly disrupted healthcare services in more than 7,000 villages across the state. Health Minister Ampareen Lyngdoh has expressed a willingness to engage in dialogue but cautioned against raising unrealistic expectations.

Despite the government’s response, the union remains resolute in its determination to continue the agitation until their demands are met.



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