Horticulture Research Station in Nagicherra: A Beacon of Agricultural Innovation in Northeast India


The newly launched Horticulture Research Station (HRS) in Nagicherra, visited by the Minister for Agriculture, Ratan Lal Nath, is making strides in agricultural research and innovation. Spanning over 50 acres, the research station focuses on developing new vegetable plant species through the efforts of dedicated scientists and technocrats. Notably, the research station also provides practical training to students from schools in the region, allowing them to gain hands-on experience in agriculture and horticulture, which is an important vocational subject in the school curriculum.

Ratan Lal Nath commended the initiative to involve students in practical learning and encouraged the scientists and technocrats to upgrade the research center to be an ideal and model institution in the entire northeastern region. The Minister emphasized the importance of collaboration with local farmers and the dissemination of research findings and technologies for the benefit of the wider agricultural community.

The research being conducted at the Horticulture Research Station has the potential to benefit farmers by developing improved vegetable plant varieties that are well-suited to the local climatic conditions and have higher market value. Ratan Lal Nath praised the dedication and hard work of the scientists and technocrats, urging them to continue their efforts in making the research station a leading institution in the field of agriculture and horticulture.

With its focus on research, practical training for students, and collaboration with farmers, the Horticulture Research Station in Nagicherra has the potential to become a model institution for agricultural research in the northeastern region. By fostering innovation, disseminating knowledge, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices, the research station can contribute significantly to the agricultural sector and benefit farmers, students, and the wider community.



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