Left Women Leaders Demand Action Against Inhuman Assault on Kuki Women in Manipur

Left Women Leaders Demand Action Against Inhuman Assault on Kuki Women in Manipur

Under the banner of the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), the Sadar Divisional Committee staged a powerful protest at the North Gate area of the capital city on Monday, presenting a three-point demand in response to the recent inhuman assault and torture on Kuki women in neighboring Manipur.

During the protest, women activists wore black ribbons over their mouths as a symbolic gesture to condemn the heinous acts committed against their fellow women in Manipur. Rama Das, a central committee member of AIDWA, addressed the reporters, voicing the concerns of the demonstrators.

Das expressed strong criticism towards the BJP-led government in Manipur and the national capital, accusing them of turning a blind eye to the escalating situation in the northeastern state and failing to take effective action against the brutality faced by women in Manipur.

The recent incident that shook social media involved a disturbing video in which a group of men shamelessly paraded two women naked on the streets before subjecting them to a gang rape. Shockingly, even after such a grievous incident, two more cases of gang rape in Manipur came to light. Despite the gravity of these crimes, the Prime Minister has remained conspicuously silent on the matter, raising further concerns among the activists.

The AIDWA, Sadar Divisional Committee, has put forth three specific demands in response to these deeply troubling events. Firstly, they demand the immediate resignation of Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh, holding him accountable for the escalating violence and atrocities against women in the state.

Secondly, the activists insist on a thorough investigation into the incidents and the identification of all those involved in crimes against women. It is crucial that the perpetrators face appropriate punishment for their actions, sending a strong message that such violence will not be tolerated.

Lastly, the protesters call for the rehabilitation of the common people who have been displaced and rendered homeless during the violent incidents in Manipur. The welfare and safety of the affected individuals and families should be a priority in the aftermath of such traumatic events.

The protest by the left women leaders and activists from AIDWA underscores the urgency of addressing the alarming rise in violence against women in Manipur. Their demands for justice, accountability, and rehabilitation represent the collective voice of those who stand in solidarity with the victims and against any form of gender-based violence.

As the authorities grapple with the situation in Manipur, the eyes of the nation are watching, urging for swift action and measures to ensure the safety and dignity of all women, not only in Manipur but across the country. The powerful display of solidarity at the North Gate area serves as a reminder that such atrocities must be condemned and prevented to build a safer and more just society for all.



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