In a disturbing incident, the endangered Swamp Partridge, listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, was discovered killed and consumed by unidentified individuals...
In an incident that has left wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists deeply saddened, the lifeless body of a baby elephant was discovered along the Assam-Meghalaya...
Parimal Suklabaidya Leads “Path Suraksha Jan Andolan” Across 126 Constituencies
Assam's Transport Minister, Parimal Suklabaidya, has kicked off a 30-day bike rally across the state...
About sustainable transportation, the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has successfully electrified broad gauge routes, marking a pivotal move to reduce carbon emissions and embrace...
The Nagaland-Manipur border, law enforcement agencies have successfully seized a cache of drugs, leading to the apprehension of one suspect. The operation, aimed at...