The Dynamic Entrepreneurs Shaping the Northeast’s Future


In the dynamic entrepreneurial landscape of Northeast India, pinpointing a singular standout can be challenging, given the multitude of inspiring individuals making significant strides across various sectors.

Rewaj Chettri: Tech Pioneer from Sikkim

In Sikkim, Rewaj Chettri stands out as a serial entrepreneur, the brain behind NE Taxi, a prominent tourist taxi aggregator. His innovative approach extends to NE Origins, emphasizing technology to address local challenges and uplift communities. Chettri’s ventures serve as a guiding light for aspiring tech entrepreneurs in the region.

Devika Gurung: Empowering Women through Art in Sikkim

Sikkim’s own Devika Gurung spearheads “Fidgety Fingers,” a social entrepreneurship project empowering local women through traditional arts and crafts. Her journey, ignited by a passion for arts and crafts, unfolded while working in the media industry. Gurung’s initiative aims to empower underprivileged women in her hometown.

Riten Debnath: Fueling Innovation in Tripura

In Tripura, Riten Debnath takes the lead with Fueler, a blockchain-based portfolio management platform. Acknowledged by top tech publications and startup competitions, Debnath introduces innovative financial solutions to Northeast India.

Hironmoy Gogoi: Youthful Visionary from Assam

Hailing from Assam, the dynamic Hironmoy Gogoi achieved global recognition as the world’s youngest entrepreneur, establishing the “Northeastern Institute of Technology” at the age of 19. His commitment to rural youth development in Assam echoes through his involvement with multiple startups and accolades, including India’s Student Entrepreneur of the Year in 2016.

Malsawmtluangi Hmar: Mizoram’s Weaver of Tradition

In Mizoram, Malsawmtluangi Hmar embarked on her entrepreneurial journey in 2016, showcasing traditional handwoven ‘Puak Puan’ and ‘Puan’ called ‘Zo Weave.’ Expanding her business, she redefined the traditional Naupuakpuan (Baby Sling) with intricate floral motifs.

Semada Marak: Revitalizing Garo Designs in Meghalaya

Meghalaya’s Semada Marak, the founder of Seven Cherri, breathes new life into traditional Garo designs. Her handmade art and craft accessories, crafted by local women, seamlessly blend tradition with modern trends, gaining recognition and empowering both artisans and the Garo community.

Tanushree Hazarika: Digital Crusader in Assam

Assam’s Tanushree Hazarika, a proponent of the digital realm, spearheads Eclectic Northeast, an English magazine covering all eight states in the region. With a robust background working with global giants like Fidelity and Morgan Stanley, Hazarika returned to Guwahati to contribute to her family business and elevate Northeast India’s visibility on the national stage.

The Northeast boasts a rich tapestry of talented entrepreneurs, each playing a pivotal role in the region’s economic and social development. Their stories echo resilience, innovation, and a deep-rooted commitment to shaping a brighter future for Northeast India.



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